
Please note the eConsult service is not monitored outside our normal surgery opening hours.

Any eConsult request you submit outside of our normal surgery opening hours will not be read by a doctor until we open the next working day.

With effect from Jan 2023 - Please note eConsult is available from 7:00am - 12:00pm Monday to Friday.

NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem when your GP practice is closed. Dial 111 on any phone for advice, or visit the NHS 111 website –

Remember to call 999 at any time in a medical emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill, or injured, and their life is at risk.

You can access e-consult to get generic advice on a condition or putting a query for attention of a member of the practice team.

This can them be put to the most appropriate staff member to respond. This is the preferred method of contact for routine problems or administrative queries.

Watch the short video below for more information about how the service works: